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Help guides
You can find information, help and advice about living in your home and the services we provide.
Easy read version – Guide to understanding your rights as a tenant
This easy read guide helps you understand your rights as a Golden Lane Housing tenant.
DOWNLOADGuide to understanding your essential rights as a tenant of Golden Lane Housing
This guide helps you understand your rights as a Golden Lane Housing tenant.
DOWNLOADRepairs and maintenance policy
This is Golden Lane Housing's Repairs and Maintenance policy
DOWNLOADDomestic violence and abuse policy
This is Golden Lane Housing's Domestic violence and abuse policy.
DOWNLOADSafeguarding adults and children policy
This is Golden Lane Housing's Safeguarding adults and children policy.
DOWNLOADEnergy saving booklet
Giving you help and information about how to save energy and how you can reduce your bills.
DOWNLOADYour service charge
We explain about the rent you pay to live in your home and your service charge.
DOWNLOADSafety in the home guide
Giving you advice and information about how to keep safe in your home and what Golden Lane Housing is responsible for.
DOWNLOADIt matters – how we help to keep you safe
This guide helps you to understand how we help to keep you safe from abuse.
DOWNLOADRepairs and maintenance guide
This guide is about reporting repairs and fixing things in your home.