Work with us

Support Providers

Image of 3 people smiling for the camera

Golden Lane Housing strives to provide the right home for people with a learning disability. We have broad experience of working with national, regional and local support providers to set up tailored supported living.

We can support new schemes, where support providers have their own existing accommodation or through leases with other landlords, as well as assisting the separation of the support and landlord functions when a support provider owns the property.

Whether a person is receiving support funded directly by the local council or by using their own personal budget our aim is always to ensure a joined-up approach to provide the right housing management and support.

Golden Lane Housing will flexibly agree a service level agreement with our support providers, ensuring that people receive the right levels of support to help them maintain a successful tenancy.

Our offer

  • Work with support providers to find the right tailored housing approach for people with a learning disability though a number of products we have available.
  • We can lease or manage existing support provider properties to ensure there is a clear separation of housing and support and secure the long-term financial viability of projects.
  • We are a leading organisation helping providers remodel and deregister existing registered care homes.
  • We have an excellent track record of securing the right level of rent and service charges. We have renowned specialist knowledge of Housing Benefit including exempt and specified accommodation.
  • Golden Lane Housing provides quality supported landlord services to our tenants including a 24-hour helpline.
  • We offer a repairing service tailored to the needs of people with a learning disability.
  • Work with support providers on complex and Transforming Care projects.
  • We offer advice and expertise; whether it’s to provide housing for a few people or a larger project, our team have the in-depth knowledge and skills to help.
  • We have dedicated regional development teams that can work with you to look at current and future housing needs.

Want to know more?

You can download our factsheets: